How to Secure Your Home

Protect Your Home Security System From Attack

Your home security system is designed to provide reassurance, but what happens when it becomes the target of an attack? Hackers and criminals are constantly finding new ways to locate and exploit vulnerabilities in home security systems, which is why it is so critical that you stay up-to-date on the latest threats and take steps to protect your system. Below are five ways you can do just that.  

Keep Your System Updated

One way of protecting your system from attack is making sure it is updated with the latest security patches. Manufacturers are constantly releasing new updates that address newly discovered vulnerabilities, so installing these updates as soon as they're available is important. You should also update any third-party security software you're using, such as antivirus and antimalware programs.

Use Strong Passwords and Codes

Another way to protect your system is to use strong passwords and codes and change them regularly. Strong passwords should be as long as possible and include a mix of numbers, upper- and lower-case letters, and symbols. Avoid using words that would be easy for someone to discover or guess, such as your name or favourite animal. And don't reuse passwords across different accounts. When choosing a code, avoid using your date of birth or other easy-to-guess numbers. If one account is compromised, all of your accounts could be at risk.

Encrypt Your Wireless Network

If your home security system is connected to a wireless network, be sure to encrypt it with a strong password. WEP encryption can be easily cracked, so make sure to use WPA2 encryption instead. You should also disable SSID broadcast so that your network isn't broadcasted to everyone in your neighbourhood.

Monitor Activity

Monitoring activity on your system is another good way to protect yourself from attack. Many companies offer alerts that will notify you if there's unusual activity on your security system, such as new users accessing the software or a change of IP address. This can give you a chance to intervene before any serious damage is done.


By taking these simple steps, you can help protect your home security system from attack. Keep your system updated with the latest security patches, use strong passwords and passcodes that you change regularly, encrypt your wireless network, and monitor activity on the system. You can help keep yourself and your home safe from harm by staying vigilant. For further information about security systems, contact a home security service today.